Okay – Lets look forward to 2019
local leagues
Lots of game time for all – with fixtures throughout the week. New teams to be announced on Saturday 16th of March at the Prize Giving with Fixtures ready for the Inauguration party on the 23rd
local tournament
The committee (well Grant really) is working on getting a couple of teams over from Chile and possibly Uruguay to come and play here in the first multi national tournament hosted in the Falklands! This will be inline (of course) – it will be mega competitive, and we hope that this comes together, plan is for a tournament followed by a couple of days of fun games with everyone all mixed up! great way to make new friends and make an event out of it.
intentional tournaments
Puerto Williams Patagonian Brotherhood Tournament – possibly earlier this year fro a long weekend, this is still being planned at the moment but it could be an incredible tournament to play in under the mountains. beautiful.
Punta Arenas Mega Patagonia Tournament – this should be happening around the same time this year – team selection and training schedules will be out nearer the time… can we defend our current Gold Treasure trove?? I bet we can. but its going to be hard.
End of season party
We held this last year with the second goalies vs. girlies match. which once again provided a huge amount of fun all round and some serious play on both sides. We may have a bit of all stars skills to try out, games for all the family, and of course a delicious buffet provided by the hockey club members!
… watch this space for more updates…..